Meals on Wheels Association of Texas is a 501(c)(6) statewide association founded in 2004 to lead state and national legislative advocacy on issues of importance to meals-serving organizations for seniors and adults with disabilities in need of nutritional support. The Association successfully worked with state legislators to pass a bill in 2007 to develop Texans Feeding Texans, a home-delivered meal grant program that currently provides $18.5 million in bi-annual funding administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). Approximately 140 home-delivered meals programs across Texas currently receive funding through this program, and the Association has been active in providing input and guidance to TDA on the administration of the program and funds. The Association has also worked closely with the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services, Texas Health and Human Services Commission, and the Texas Legislature to address rules and regulations that impact meal-serving organizations and advocate for member positions.